A Paddington art treasure trove

Amy Katherine (A.K.) Browning, Clarice in Bed c. 1938

Paddington has a rich history as a hub of the arts and a home of artists and one of the key figures around the suburb over the years was Jocelyn Plate.

Mrs Plate had a fascinating life and was a friend of many of Australia’s most important artists including Margaret Olley, another Paddington denizen.

Jocelyn was a regular guest at Olley’s famed lunch parties; the pair had been to art school together.

Sadly Mrs Plate died in February at the age of 100 but has left an amazing collection of important Australian art.

The collection, which includes pieces by Sir Sidney Nolan, Clarice Beckett, Donald Friend, Amy Katherine (A.K.) Browning, Reg Mombassa and her husband Carl Plate is now for sale through Annette Larkin Fine Art.

“In the mid 2000s I lived around the corner from Jocelyn, although I didn’t know her then, but noted that she was always walking around the local streets chatting to people, visiting galleries,” says Larkin.

“She was a lovely and fascinating woman.”

The collection is on show at the gallery until October 1.

8 Soudan Ln; annettelarkin.com

Donald Friend, North Queensland Town